I live in a terraced house, a socalled “housing cooperative”, which is a something between a rental housing and owner’s accommodation.
If you live in an owner-occupied home, you usually do not have problems with mortgaging it.
But a cooperative housing is more troublesome.
I have asked several different banks if they would lend me money on my home – and have been denied everywhere.
But then I asked “Sparekassen Nordjylland” and they agreed to lend me 50% of the amount for which my accommodation is assessed.
And that amount is 800,000 kroner, so they lent me 400,000 kroner.
And that money must of course be spent – and preferably before I die 🙂
Not only because they must be spent, but I suffer from a severe depression and I have a feeling that travelling has a positive impact on my depression. I am not sure if it helps after I come home, but at least I feel better when I am traveling.
So that’s why I started traveling abroad 3-4 times a year, and these trips I tell about and show photos from on this website.